We're Back!

Posted by: WoodElves / Category:

As you may have noticed, the Wood Elves have been taking a brief hiatus from writing and updating this site. We realize that we did not post at all in the month of May, and not because we forgot or had nothing to write about. Below are some of the reasons why this blog did not get updated recently:


David graduated with his Juris Doctor. We had a lot of family in town and had a wonderful weekend with everyone celebrating his accomplishments!


The next weekend, we moved out of student housing to a beautiful place just down the road. We spent a few weekends and several evenings getting unpacked and settled and making our new house "home".


We're expecting in December! While everything else has kept us busy, being pregnant has kept me not feeling well and honestly, I haven't had much to say on the blog that wasn't pregnancy-related so I just had to keep quiet for awhile :) We're thrilled though, and now that I'm on my way out of the first trimester, hopefully I'll be feeling better soon.


Related to #3, I just haven't been grocery shopping much. This picture is our one good shopping trip lately, when David went to Harris Teeter triples for me. Lately when we shop, I just buy what sounds good to me, and I have him buy what he will eat to get him through the next week. I look forward to being able to look at the circulars without feeling sick and getting back into getting good deals at the grocery stores.


Last night we went down to the Oceanfront to the free Beach Boys concert. It was so much fun! We were out a lot later and did a lot more walking than this pregnant lady has done for awhile but it was a really good time and we made some fun memories. We love oldies music so it was a real treat.


  1. Danielle Faith Says:

    Im glad you guys were able to go see the concert!! I bet it was a blast! I sure hope you start feeling better soon, Heather! There isnt ANY feeling I hate more than being nauseated so I can only imagine how you must feel!! Praying for energy and a calmed stomach for you!

  1. Rebekah Says:

    Congratulations! On being sick, there are many women in this world who can sympathize. Amazing the stories I heard when I went through my 1st trimester. :)

  1. Danielle Says:

    Congrats again. We're thrilled for you. And the sickness should go away very soon...the next few weeks. Hang in there. He/she will be totally worth it. :) :)

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