There are a couple of things you won't want to miss if you have a CVS card. These are simple deals that you don't need any coupons for.
The first is a free 4x6 photo magnet. This will be free after the promotion code if you have it shipped to your CVS and pick it up. I'm not sure how long this deal is good for.
1. Go to this website:
2. Search for "Photo magnet"
3. Upload your picture
4. Go to checkout - select "Pick up in store"
5. Enter promotion code FREE4MOM
6. You will have to enter your CVS card number and your credit card, but your credit card is just for verification and will not be charged.
7. You will get an email when your magnet is available to pick up in store.
The second is free sunscreen.
If you buy 2 CVS brand sunscreens this week (end 5/1/10), a $5 ECB will print out. This also works on the small size which is $2.19 each. David and I each got 2 sunscreens so paid $4.40 and got $5 ECB back. We paid mostly with ECBs we already had, so we paid $1.40 out of pocket and got back $10 ECB.
Of course, don't do this deal if you don't already have ECBs and don't need sunscreen, since you will have to pay out of pocket. We were already on the lookout for free sunscreen since we live by the beach.
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