Posted by: WoodElves / Category:
This morning my little guy made my morning so happy and wonderful.
When I woke up, I could hear that he was awake over the video monitor. He was singing! He was happily lying in his crib talking to himself and singing in high musical tones. I suppose all my singing and playing music for him is catching on!
I got him up and fed him in my bed. I've been sick all week and just haven't been able to get much rest - even when I have the time, my body just won't nap. After I fed him, I put him in his jumparoo and then instead of taking a shower (like I usually would then), I actually went back to bed. I figured I could get another 20 minutes of rest. After awhile, I woke up and checked the clock - it was over an hour later, and Mac was still playing happily in his jumparoo. He hadn't cried at all. In fact, I think he had fallen asleep and then woken back up and kept playing without fussing or being unhappy about it. I even took a shower before going in to get him. He never did fuss and stayed happy all morning.
Little Mac, thanks so much for letting Mom get the extra rest! I needed it so much and love you bunches :)
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Posted by: WoodElves / Category:
Well since we had two entries to the Purex Triple Action detergent giveaway and two prizes to give away, I decided not to use to select my winners. :)
So, the winners of the two free bottles are Caleb & Kirsten & Elizabeth!
Congratulations! You have 48 hours to claim your prize(s) or new winners will be chosen.
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