We did pretty good with our grocery shopping this week. Of course, we don't really need any groceries with all the barbecue leftovers, so that made it easy. We made a quick trip to Harris Teeter and Farm Fresh.At Harris Teeter we got eggs and used a $.50 catalina we had from last time but we needed to get another item to use up some of the overage from the catalina so we got a cucumber. We spent $.47.
HT: eggs + cucumber = 47 centsAt Farm Fresh we had a grand old time and then on the way home I realized I had picked up the box of Oreos but forgot to get out the coupon! David returned them today and we got our money back so these totals are not counting the Oreos.
We did the yogurt deal and I was SO excited to find some of the yogurt I was already going to *make money* on were on Manager's Special for an additional 50 cents off!
Also, the Solo plates and cups we were going to get for free after coupon didn't come in on the truck so they let me pick out any Solo items I wanted as a substitute for the same price so I ended up getting the bigger, not-holiday themed packages for free. :) :)
We also used several coupons we got in the mail from Kraft First Taste for free items such as crackers, macaroni and cheese and lunchmeat.
FF: 5 4-packs of yogurt + bread + freebies + plates + cups = $6.44 - $5 catalina to use on our next trip
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